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Great Rift Publishing

At our journal, we uphold stringent standards for authorship to ensure the credibility and integrity of published research. The criteria outlined below provide clear guidelines for determining who qualifies as an author and who should be acknowledged for their contributions.

Authorship Criteria: To be considered an author of a manuscript submitted to our journal, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  1. Substantial Contribution:
    • Authors are expected to make a significant and intellectual contribution to the conception, design, execution, or analysis of the research study, as well as the preparation of the manuscript.
  2. Drafting and Revising:
    • Authors are responsible for drafting the manuscript and revising it critically for intellectual content.
  3. Final Approval:
    • All authors must review and approve the final version of the manuscript before submission.
  4. Accountability:
    • Authors are collectively accountable for the accuracy and integrity of the work, including the reporting of research findings, data, and methodology.

Acknowledgment: Individuals who do not meet all the authorship criteria but have made valuable contributions to the research or manuscript may be acknowledged in the manuscript’s acknowledgment section. Common examples of contributors who should be acknowledged include:

  1. Technical Support:

    • Individuals who provided technical assistance, such as laboratory or data analysis support.
  2. Funding Acquisition:

    • Those who secured financial support for the research but did not meet authorship criteria.
  3. Data Collection:

    • Contributors involved in data collection or data entry.
  4. Administrative Assistance:

    • Personnel who provided administrative or logistical support but did not participate in the research design or analysis.
  5. Reviewers:

    • Reviewers who provided substantial feedback and insights during the peer review process.
  6. Conceptual or Intellectual Contributions:

    • Individuals who made significant contributions to the project’s conception or provided valuable intellectual input but did not participate in the entire research process.

Authorship Order: The order of authors should reflect their relative contributions to the research and manuscript. Typically, the first author contributed the most, followed by subsequent authors in descending order of contribution. However, authorship order may vary depending on field-specific conventions.

Corresponding Author: The corresponding author is responsible for communication with the journal during the submission and review process. They should also be identified as the point of contact for readers after publication.

Changes in Authorship: Any changes in authorship (additions, removals, or order changes) after the manuscript submission require explicit justification and consent from all affected parties. Such changes should be communicated to the journal’s editorial office promptly.